Monday, April 28, 2014

Buh Bye Winter!



I feel like we are finally coming out of hibernation. This winter has been awful! Between morning sickness (YUP, unexpectedly pregnant with boy number 3! Due August 31!), the seemingly apocalyptic winter weather (i.e. unstoppable snow) and sickness after sickness after sickness the boys and I are ready for spring sun! 

I'm excited to wear something other than sweat pants and extra large hoodies. Time to break out the sandals, tank tops and sip iced coffees (I'm allowed 1-2 cups of coffee a day according to my doctor. I'm a mother to twin toddlers.... don't fight me on this one.). No more "snowy/rainy day" activity madness... My boys just eat art supplies anyways.  The one time we went to a scribble art class they spent the entire time screaming and stomping on all the well behaved toddlers' artwork. They may look serene and angelic in the photo above, but they are straight up BOYS.  All snails and puppy dog tails, these two! *Love them.

My boys are outdoorsmen. They like to explore and chase birds for now.  They can be artistic when they are older and more coordinated. For now they just want to know how the world works and why they can't eat that little bit of a balloon on the ground. Why not, mommy???! Pneumonia, and gross. THAT's why.

Winter at a glace:

 <scribble art class (before the destruction)

               just some no nap kisses>

 <Fav winter activity: Cuddling and reading.

                       And more reading>

<Indian Road Playground

          Fort Tryon, just a bit icy...>

FIRST AWESOME WEATHER!!!! The day they opened The Great Lawn in Central Park. We got there before it become annoyingly crowded. Look at us! We own NYC :) Also, look at their faces. Seriously.

Just so you know... This is my "normal". They NEVER go in the same direction. They coordinate this, I know they do.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

One of the Many Perks to Living in Inwood

Flowers In Fort Tryon Park-Beginning of Spring

NOTE: This post was written April 2013, but I just now got around to publishing it :)

This picture makes me ADORE where I live.  Just a five minute walk to Fort Tryon, and a short (albeit GRUELING) uphill mini hike away.  The trip is even shorter when you have your two napping adorable Littles, a great friend and her very own Little to keep you company.  I'm hoping for many more days like this this spring :)

Today felt good.  With twins its a day by day thing... Having a great day today means NOTHING for tomorrow.  However, I am having more and more "feeling good" days.  We are all falling into a more predictable schedule and the night time crying/waking is diminishing, and mommy is getting her sanity back, JUST in time for the predictably amazing NYC Spring.  

Since having my sanity (aka night sleep) back, I've been craving some pavement time.  My solution was to wait for Jason to return home from work and run then... however, that would definitely end up being just a seasonal thing and therefore NOT good enough.  Jason suggested that I meet him with the boys in mid-town right after he gets off of work.  This idea was certainly an improvement however visions of tired and pissed off subway commuters screaming obscenities at me for bring a double wide or double long stroller on during rush hours shied me away from the idea. Rightly so. I would have been a pissed commuter too (prior to kids. However, now? I GET IT.).  

Luckily, last week I braved the subways and traveled all the way to Union Square.  I was determined to not be confined to my usual one mile radius surrounding the apartment (MUST learn how to nurse in public without feeling embarrassed.. would make life so much easier!).  And of course, since I'm a mother now, I bypassed my pre-mommy store (Sephora) and walked straight into Babies R Us (Ill be back some day Sephora!).  I couldn't believe it... BRU had the Bob Revolution Duallie on clearance for $300! WHAT? Unfortunately I am not an octupus, so I had to drag Jason back down to BRU on the weekend.  This is actually funny, because in order to get back home (including a detour to Central Park to test out Bob) we had to haul TWO double strollers (each containing one baby so we only looked half insane) on two separate subways and up and down too many to count itty bitty elevators.  It was like Real Size Tetris. 

Testing out my new Bob. Screaming Marek riding the "trunk" ;)