Thursday, January 19, 2012

14 Weeks!

Well the babies are 14 weeks today! Im starting to feel flutters and little rolls, especially after I have some chocolate ;) The babies will take after their momma (and grandmother) in the chocoholic department, thats for sure! Its pretty amazing to be feeling them, I can't wait until they get stronger and I can feel them more frequently!
We had the NT scan this week and everything looks perfect! Extremely low risk for down syndrome or any of the other trisomies. woo hoo! 
Here is this weeks belly pic :)

Monday, January 9, 2012

12 Weeks 4 Days!

This post will be short and sweet since Im exhausted!

We had a doc appt this morning and babies are looking great! The are measuring right on time and are cute as buttons.  I have my down syndrome scan on Friday and they have promised me even better ultrasound pics :)

Doctor is super hopeful that I will be able to deliver the old fashioned way, as long as babies stay head down (they have been head down the last two appts). She says Im healthy and young and doesn't see any reason why not. WOO HOO!

Here they are!

and here I am... feeling quite filled out. LOL