Monday, November 28, 2011


Today we found out that we are expecting TWINS! I was extremely surprised and apparently Jason has been expecting it all along ;) At the ultrasound he could not stop laughing and I couldn't even think! The babies heartbeats probably started right on Thanksgiving... a bitter sweet day this year as my grandmother passed on thanksgiving, but I think she gave the twins the gift of life with her passing...She is going to shine on with these little munchkins ;)
Morning sickness hit me pretty bad yesterday.. nothing sounds appetizing except for fruit.  I want fruit and lots of it thank you! I think Im developing an aversion to dairy and chicken as well... this will certainly be an exciting ride!
Here is the ultrasound of the twinnies and a belly pic... I am certainly getting bigger. In full on maternity now as nothing wants to zip or snap up any more! But boy, maternity is COMFY!
my babies, 6 weeks 4 days old

6 weeks 4 days pregnant


  1. Squeeeee! I'm so excited <3
    I've been following this woman's blog for quite awhile, and I think I told you about her when you were here for my engagement party. Her name is Megan and she has PCOS and ended up getting pregnant with twins through the use of an IUI. Her archives about her pregnancy and her journey through infertility might be fun for you to read :) Her babies are three months old now. Here's the link to her blog:

  2. My beautiful Sis -

    Thank you for sharing this incredible journey with us. You look perfect. Your babies are so blessed to have you & Jason as their mommy & daddy. Being a mom is truly the most joyous & best feeling in the world.

    Darling Babies

    We can't wait to meet you! We've waited so long.

    I love you so much

