Friday, March 2, 2012

20 Weeks!

I am 20 weeks as of yesterday, what a milestone! The babies are becoming EXTREMELY active and I know we will soon be able to feel them from the outside. I can't wait for Jason to be able to experience their movement as well.  So far I have gained about 19 lbs and besides some shoulder, neck and hip pain I'm still experiencing a relatively easy pregnancy, thank goodness! Monday we have two doctors appts, one is the anatomy scan (however, we will not be finding out the sexes) and the other is my regular OB appointment.  Both Jason and I have taken the day off for this and I'm extremely excited to see my babies again! I know they have grown a lot since their last scan just by the strength behind their little kicks and jabs :)

On a sad note Jason and I lost our pretty kitty Silly yesterday.  She managed to slip through a very small crack in our window and fell 4 stories to a hard concrete sidewalk.  We took her to the vet the morning after (she fell at around 9pm at night) and the diagnosis was not good.  She had extensive internal damage of her kidneys and her liver.  Her heart was also moved and she had a large bubble in her chest cavity. The vet said that cats are very resilient and of course there was a chance, however small, that she would survive (She didn't look too convinced, but what is a poor vet going to tell a sobbing, near hyperventilating, largely pregnant woman who desperately wants her precious cat to live?) so she said if we wanted, we could give her pain meds and antibiotics for a day and see if it looked like she was showing any improvement.  We chose that route and I stayed home the next day to monitor her (my eyes literally never left my poor kitty, unless it was to go to the bathroom) and it was made apparent to me that my baby girl was not going to make it. The air bubble was definitely making it hard for her to breathe and she wasn't even slurping when I would try to give her a dropper of water (and food was impossible). My heart was BROKEN and I was beyond devastated. I knew though that I did not want her to starve to death or die of dehydration... so we made the decision to bring her back to the vet to be put down... Both Jason and I were there with her when she got the needle. I got down to her level so she could look at me and have something familiar to look at while dying... literally the hardest thing I have ever had to do...She (along with our other kitty Gula) traveled with us from Seattle, to Tacoma, to midtown NYC and then to Inwood NYC... she has done everything with us and while she tended to HATE strangers, (thereby making her a very unpopular kitty with friends) she LOVED and ADORED me and Jason, showering us with frequent kisses and cuddles.  At least once a night I would wake up to her trying to spoon me while sleeping,  she also loved to sleep on Jason chest and never once did she seem to mind his consistent and loud snoring.  Both Jason and I will miss her a ton, and I'm SO sad that my babies will not get to meet this very special cat... However I will always remember her fondly and I know that no one will mess with my babies with such a feisty cat as one of their guardian angels ;) RIP Silly Bear.. .love you so much!

Here is a picture of my pretty girl with Jason, doing what she does best:
and of course, here is the 20 week belly :)